Party 29 - 30 dic 12 · Indoor · Istanbul /Beyoglu, Turquía Line Up: Yukatange talked and talked.Never stopped.Never listened.Talked so much, heard just itsself. Raven came down and talked. Told that the river was dry, rain had been cryin, and the wolf had been howling…Hamster-damn-Holland dr.ayahuasca-middle earth Florian High Flour-Germany Seniorita Black Widow-Italy Altered Mosquito-France Albert Hoffman's ghost-unknownInfo: This a total free spirited chanting and dancing party where you can hear some groovy, magical forest sounds as well as dark psy, full on and morning genres only.Location: TBA --SOME CLUB IN BEYOGLU/ ISTANBUL GET IN CONTACT FOR DETA… Termina: 12a 1m · 1.303 · Apuntado de Dr.Ayahuasca Fotos0 Gente YUKATANGE AND THE EAGLE --PSY EVENT Istanbul /Beyoglu · Turquía sáb, 29 dic 12, 22:00 - dom, 30 dic, 05:30= 7h 30minIndoor · Termina: 12a 1m