Party 9 - 10 mar 07 · Open Air · Kathmandu, Nepal Line Up: Cosmic souls (Shanti Jatra) - Nepal Aseem (Shanti Jatra) - Nepal bhatte (Shanti Jatra) - Nepal Kranti (Nepa Music Production) - Nepal Vibe (Nepa Music Production) - NepalInfo: Finally we have recovered from shiva ratri and ready to groove again here in kathmandu. No door sale, doors will be closed at 8 pm. You are advised to catch the bus or follow the party bus.Location: Secret Termina: 18a · 1.112 · Apuntado de thereisspirit Fotos0 Gente Your own groove - Freak Gathering Kathmandu · Nepal vie, 9 mar 07, 20:00 - sáb, 10 mar, 12:00= 16hOpen Air · Termina: 18a