Party 30 abr - 1 may 08 · Club · Athens, Grecia Line Up: * JORDAN (Re-Union rec.) aka " Disco Hooligans " / * ANESTIS (Medusa rec.) / * ELECTRO JOSEPH (Xtra Vibes) * ALKIS (Trancemissions - Atlantis 105.2 FM)Info: " OPEN BAR & FREE ENTRANCE " Till 01:00 " Doors Open at 11:00 " " Friendly security, Age Limit: 18+, Management reserves the right to refuse admission " " Supporte…Location: { PULSE CLUB } Located { Aristofanous 11 - Psyri } Termina: 16a 9m · 1.743 · Apuntado de Electrojoseph Fotos0 Gente XTRA VIBES pres. JORDAN/Re-Union.rec * Anestis/Medusa.rec * Athens · Grecia mié, 30 abr 08, 23:00 - jue, 1 may, 07:00= 8hClub · Termina: 16a 9m