¡Uy! Ha accedido a una página a la que sólo pueden acceder los miembros.Aquí está la Inicio de sesión de los miembros Party 23 jun 07, 15:00 - 20:00 · Open Air · TICINO, Carona, Botanic Park, Suiza / 1 Line Up: ::: INTUNE PROJECT ( Space Connection - CH ) Live act! Live Act with with real instruments, chill out, meditation beat, organic worldmusic infos:::: ANTENAUS ( Gioiacosmica - CH ) Just comed back from India full of energy and positiveness infos:Info: To prepare yourself to this multi-dimensional experience, we are happy to invite all of you to this afternoon celebration just before the official start of our Party, Save the Freaks! II Edition To ch…Location: TICINO, Carona, 15 minutes from Lugano. In the Botanical Par… Termina: 17a 8m · 2.231 · Apuntado de Maelstrom1981 Fotos0 Gente Warm up to Save the Freaks! II 23th June afternoon! TICINO, Carona, Botanic Par… · Suiza sáb, 23 jun 07, 15:00 - 20:00= 5hOpen Air · / 1 · Termina: 17a 8m