Party 7 - 8 ene 06 · Indoor · Prague, República Checa Line Up: Echotek (BNE, YoYo records, TimeStretch Music)/IsraelDon Siggi (Stardust Creations)/Austria TV (Oxygen Records) Nem (Oxygen Records)Info: After more then year, psy-trance back in Pragues best club - this time with isreali warrior - ECHOTEK. Organized by Roxy Promotion and Oxygen Records.Location: Roxy Club, Prague, Dlouha 22 Termina: 19a 2m · 1.631 · Apuntado de tv Fotos0 Gente VortexIII Prague · República Checa sáb, 7 ene 06, 22:00 - dom, 8 ene, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 19a 2m