Party 27 - 28 jun 15 · Indoor · near thessaloniki, Grecia Line Up: ine up: Argonnight live (first time Greece) E mov live Archeos live Bevatron Live & set Doc set Kulu set Kakir set Microstar set Psylex Jembalang set Soner set Spiral Dynamics set Saos set Jolas set C…Info: the event will become a secret place and knows the place who RECEIVES ticket ... will have full bars, food and extra food for vegetarians. Presale price 17 Euro and 23 Euro. για κρατησεις εισητηρίων κ…Location: secret location Termina: 9a 8m · 911 · Apuntado de Jembalang Fotos0 Gente Unrated Team presents 17 hours non stop music near thessaloniki · Grecia sáb, 27 jun 15, 22:00 - dom, 28 jun, 18:00= 20hIndoor · Termina: 9a 8m