Party 3 - 4 mar 23 · Indoor · Sibiu, Rumania Line Up: Underworld Gathering presents the Hades Stage at our first promo party in Sibiu, featuring Tek and Hardcore music for a night of heavy beats and running basslines. Get ready to dance the night away an…Info: Powered by Kannonaudio Hosted by Vibe SevenLocation: Gremium Nomads Romania, Bagdasar 16A, Sibiu, Romania, Sibiu Termina: 1a 9m · 130 · Apuntado de Cronomonium Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Underworld Gathering : Hades Stage Promo Party Sibiu · Rumania · Mapa vie, 3 mar 23, 22:00 - sáb, 4 mar, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 1a 9m