Party 29 - 30 ene 11 · Indoor · MilaNo_OhM, Italia / 2 Line Up: MODULE VIRUS ( Bom ShanKa Music ) < UK >Phobos (Chaotic Waves/LooneyMoon Rec.) Eros aKa Dj XeRoMoRpH (CReATiVeJuNgLe)Face (Soundsplatters/Free spirit Rec.) Wild Child (PsyTRoNic/CReATiVeJuNgLe) MaMba (CReATiVeJuNgLe)Info: Informazioni su MODULE VIRUS : Bruno Miguel Isidro was born in Portugal and at the early age of 14 he started developing his passion and building his knowledge of electronic music such as techno, drum…Location: NeW Big Legal Location around Milan Raggiungibile anche in T… Termina: 14a 1m · 4.806 · Apuntado de ***TRip 2 DReAMLaNd*** Fotos0 Gente TRaVeL DiSToRTioN - MoDuLe ViRuS LiVe ! MilaNo_OhM · Italia sáb, 29 ene 11, 22:00 - dom, 30 ene, 06:30= 8h 30minIndoor · / 2 · Termina: 14a 1m