Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 5 - 6 mar 11 · Indoor · MiLaNo_OhM, Italia Line Up: SKYHIGHATRIST (CaTaWaMPuS Rec.) <UK> Amazed by the evolving synthetic sounds in psytrance, and with a hopeful desire to create some oddness of his own, the embryonic Skyhighatrist emerged. Then…CHERYL TECHNOMEDIC (CaTaWaMPuS Rec.) <UK > Cheryl weaves her own fierce twist of tunes, unpredictable, chunky and hard with psychedelic positivity. Driving bass lines, and nailing off-beat drum…Info: audio: 20 KW LiNe ARRaY CRaZy BaR TIME TABLE: 23.00/24.30 ShiVaRaTRi 24.30/01.30 WiLd CHiLd 01.30/02.30 SKYHIGHATRIST 02.30/03.30 CHERYL TECHNOMEDIC 03.30/04.30 LOOSE CONNECTION 04.30/The end ERos aKa…Location: DE VIC Club via Molise 3 - Locate Triulzi (MI) da Milano cen… Termina: 14a · 4.220 · Apuntado de ***TRip 2 DReAMLaNd*** Fotos0 Gente TRaVeL DiSToRTioN - CATAWAMPUS Rec. CaRNiVaL Party ! MiLaNo_OhM · Italia sáb, 5 mar 11, 23:00 - dom, 6 mar, 06:30= 7h 30minIndoor · Termina: 14a