Party 15 - 16 mar 08 · Indoor · Antwerp, Bélgica Line Up: California Sunshine / Adrenalin Drum / Har-El Prusky (Har-El Prusky 2,5 h semi-live set, Unnatural Recordings, Phonokol, Israël) Afgin LIVE (Suntrip Records, Israël) Silicon Sound LIVE (Neurobiotic Re…Goatrance Room Go-Wax (D-a-D) Anoebis (Suntrip Records) Bor (Suntrip Records, Cosmic Combination, NL) Tohm (Kairoo Records) Progressive Trance & Full-on Room Silicon Sound (Neurobiotic Records, France…Location: close to the center of Antwerp and easy reachable by car and… Termina: 16a 9m · 2.553 · Apuntado de Psydalf Fotos0 Gente Trance Dimensions presents California Sunshine/Silicon Sound Antwerp · Bélgica sáb, 15 mar 08, 22:00 - dom, 16 mar, 10:00= 12hIndoor · Termina: 16a 9m