Party 1 - 2 jun 19 · Open Air · Pontons, España Line Up: *MAD MAXX (EE.UU/FRANCE) *ALPHATRANCE (Landmark Recordings) -FRANÇA *VICTI (Sindar Productios) - CAT *TOXIC (Nutek Records) -CAT *FREE VIBRATIONS BROTHERS (Sammansati) -CAT *PANOR-A-MIX (SPAIN) *DUMI…Info: INFORMATION OF INTEREST - The doors of the campsite will be open on 31 Friday at 16:00. (Free access to water available). - It is forbidden to make fire in the enclosure and its surroundings. - We ask…Location: AURA FESTIVAL by pontonians Termina: 5a 9m · 2.647 · Apuntado de aura Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Trailer party Aura Festival Pontons · España · Mapa sáb, 1 jun 19, 12:00 - dom, 2 jun, 15:30= 1d 3hOpen Air · Termina: 5a 9m