Party 26 - 27 abr 25 · Indoor · Berlin, Alemania Line Up: ▶️ Line up on two floors so far 🔥 LIVE 🛸 🎶 Megalopsy | Dark Prisma Rec. • 🎶 AudioSyntax | Quintessence Rec. • 🎶 Hans Dunkelkammer | Quintessence Rec. - Soupherb Rec. • DJ 💫 🎶 Abralabim | Fractal Ne…Info: 🚀 Preparty for the ToGathering 25 festival and Artchis legendary birthday party! Let´s have a special psychedelic spring warm up workout to prepare for the festival season, especially for the ToGather…Location: MaHalla Berlin, Wilhelminenhofstraße 76, 12459 Berlin Empieza en 28d 19h · 266 · Actualizado 1m 11d · Apuntado de ToGathering Germany Meeting0 Gente ToGathering 25 Indoor Edition And Artchis B´day Berlin · Alemania · Mapa sáb, 26 abr 25, 22:00 - dom, 27 abr, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Empieza en 28d 19h