Party 13 - 14 feb 10 · Indoor · hamburg, Alemania / 31 Line Up: Elecdruids ( IONO Music) - -Z- (alpha & antagon)-.-(shivlink re.c/india) - The Human Factor--(GoaCore) - Sirion - (Millennium REC.) Presents his coming Debut Album - Reboot your Mind- -Alex-Galactika--(BlueTunes) - Mikadho--(SpinTwist Rec. / Hamburg) - Melburn--(Hamburg) - Alpha--(InterzonePa, HH) - Miss Nic--(Shiva moon) - DJane Electrina -- (Hamburg) - Örkel--(Villa Kunterbu…Info: TimeTable MainFloor 23.00 - 00.30 Electrina 00.30 - 01.30 Sirion Live 01.30 - 03.00 Alex (Galactika) 03.00 - 04.30 Elecdruids Live 04.30 - 06.00 Mikadho 06.00 - 07.00 -Z- (alpha & antagon) Live 07.00…Location: Im Edelfettwerk 50 Meter vom S-Bahnhof Eidelstedt Schnackenb… Termina: 15a · 15.465 · Apuntado de ChillHase Fotos0 Gente The Time of Goacore -- B-day hamburg · Alemania sáb, 13 feb 10, 23:00 - dom, 14 feb, 12:00= 13hIndoor · / 31 · Termina: 15a