Party 6 - 7 oct 12 · Club · Freiburg, Alemania CANCELED Line Up: -- PICK -- (Zenon Records) - HaDarom/Israel PICK brings a driving dark progressive core, surrounded by the light and intellectual intricacies of jazz. A freaky style of psy began to cultivate in 199…-- RED TWO -- (EPP Records Head) - Australia/Germany Paul Anzellotti (alias DJ Red Two) is a psychedelic / psytrance dj originally from Sydney, Australia. The founder of Electric Power Pole Producti…Location: CRASH Freiburg [] 100m to the right from… Termina: 12a 5m · 7.488 · Apuntado de Nagmanda Fotos0 Gente The Real Hippy Shit - PICK & RADIOACTIVE CAKE Freiburg · Alemania · Mapa sáb, 6 oct 12, 22:00 - dom, 7 oct, 05:00= 7hClub · CANCELED · Termina: 12a 5m