Party 8 - 9 dic 18 · Indoor · London, Reino Unido Line Up: Will o' Wisp (Live Set) (Dark Prisma Records) Mysterion (UK DEBUT - Live Set) (Dark Prisma Records) Mitra (UK Debut - Dj Set) (Damaru Records Label Owner) Ataro (Live Set) (Freak Records/Damaru Record…Location: 5 Miles Club, Markfield Road, London. N15 4QA Termina: 6a 3m · 613 · Apuntado de Peaking Duck Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente The Peaking Duck Collect Returns. Episode II:Attack Of The Ducks and The Gaucho London · Reino Unido · Mapa sáb, 8 dic 18, 22:00 - dom, 9 dic, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 6a 3m