Party 27 - 28 oct 12 · Club · Pallejà, España Info: Dropland recordings comes back to La Cova one more time with Loka Munia Crew for bring you the first psy-trance meeting of the season at this legendary natural cave which is perfect for this music.…Location: Gran Via de Fontpineda s/n Pallejà (Barcelona) Termina: 12a 4m · 1.200 · Apuntado de Dropland Fotos0 Gente THE KING STRIKES BACK@LA COVA BY DROPLAND & LOKA MUNIA Pallejà · España · Mapa sáb, 27 oct 12, 23:30 - dom, 28 oct, 06:00= 7h 30minClub · Termina: 12a 4m