Party 18 - 19 mar 23 · Indoor · Brussels, Bélgica Line Up: LIVE: *** Etnica / Pleiadians *** (2 hours retro set by Maurizio Begotti - Blue Room/etnicanet - IT) ***Battle of the Future Buddhas*** (Old school set - Suntrip/Schlabbaduerst - SW) *** Triquetra ***…Info: DECO : *** Psyberration *** - Party time: 22.00-08.00 - CD & LP SHOP - Bring positive vibes & smiles - Entrance: 20€ presale (more info soon) or 25€ at the door - location: Budasesteenweg 96, 1130 Bru…Location: Buda BXL, Budasesteenweg 96, 1130 Brussels Termina: 1a 11m · 1.529 · Apuntado de ohm mind Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Suntrip Records & Ohm Gathering presents : A Trip Into Goa Brussels · Bélgica · Mapa sáb, 18 mar 23, 22:00 - dom, 19 mar, 08:00= 10hIndoor · Termina: 1a 11m