Party 9 - 10 jul 06 · Club · Wien - Vienna, Austria Line Up: Sabaii Sabaii (Spiritzone Thailand) Leung ( magic phangan ) Patt ( samunpai psyproject ) Koi ( peaceful family ) DJ Sabaii Sabaii - from Bangkok, 3 or 4 times he played the Mainfloor at the VooV, eve…Info: ACHTUNG: wir beginnen aufgrund der Fussball WM erst um 22 UHR Termin und Thai-Booking 100% fixed - Scooty too!Location: FLEX Donaukanal Wien 1 Ubahnstation U2/U4 Schottenring Abgan… Termina: 18a 8m · 5.828 · Apuntado de scz Fotos0 Gente SundayThaiZelt - A Tribute to Koh Pha Ngan's Parties Wien - Vienna · Austria dom, 9 jul 06, 22:00 - lun, 10 jul, 06:00= 8hClub · Termina: 18a 8m