Party 6 - 7 may 07 · Club · Wien - Vienna, Austria / 2 Line Up: Fedy Wandong Gobayashi (Long Set)Info: This Night is going to be dedicated to all LOVERS, fullfilled with love and music - a perfect combination for the starting spring/summer season! Let's dance, kiss and love...! !!! Sorry NO CHAIbar thi…Location: FLEX Donaukanal Wien 1 Termina: 17a 10m · 3.551 · Apuntado de scz Fotos0 Gente Sundaychaizelt LoveSongs! Wien - Vienna · Austria dom, 6 may 07, 22:00 - lun, 7 may, 06:00= 8hClub · / 2 · Termina: 17a 10m