Party 5 - 6 nov 10 · Indoor · antwerpen, Bélgica Info: ''SUMMER OF LOVE '' last minute party brings you another good belgium producer/dj guest this FRIDAY check out his website EPHEDRIX WIL BRING YOU A verry nice full on flavours with unreleased fresh tun…Location: petra's café kempisch dok- westkaai 74 2000 antwerpen Termina: 14a 4m · 1.269 · Apuntado de M.O.P. Fotos0 Gente SUMMER OF LOVE 'fullon edition with "'EPHEDRIX''' and more ' antwerpen · Bélgica vie, 5 nov 10, 22:00 - sáb, 6 nov, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 14a 4m