Party 3 - 4 abr 10 · Club · Corbera de Llobregat (Barcelona), España Line Up: ABSOLUM (3D Vision, FRA )EX-GEN (3D Vision, Dropland, SPA)C.T.C (Biomechanikal rec, Temple Twisters, Kamino rec, BRZ)SEYKOFF (Dropland, Ultravision, SPA)TRULL (Dropland, La Resistranze, SPA)special warm up: NATXO (Bon spy crew, SPA)Info: You can come to La Cova Club by bus, also. Check La Cova website for more info about the timetable: Thanks!Location: Av. Fontpineda s/n Corbera de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain) C… Termina: 14a 11m · 2.522 · Apuntado de Dropland Fotos0 Gente STORM & TSUNAMI@LA COVA CLUB Corbera de Llobregat (Barce… · España · Mapa sáb, 3 abr 10, 23:30 - dom, 4 abr, 06:00= 6h 30minClub · Termina: 14a 11m