Party 11 - 12 ene 13 · Indoor · Psyrri Athens, Grecia Line Up: 03:00-04:30 Agent Kritsek (Savva Records)00:00-01:30 Dj Qses - Dark Q (Savva Records) 01:30-03:00 Suntaken (Harmonia Records) 04:30-06:00 Enton (Hybrid Uv / Keno Diktyo)Info: No Drug Substances will be Tolerated, Please Respect the place and the people.Support our scene in Greece.Welcomers all who love this music and bring their smiles with :o) Entrance :: 5euro + drink (Be…Location: Miaouli 13 Str. Psyrri Athens Greece Termina: 12a 1m · 895 · Apuntado de aGent kRitsek Fotos0 Gente ::Spiritual Frequenz & Hybrid Uv Present:: Psyrri Athens · Grecia vie, 11 ene 13, 23:30 - sáb, 12 ene, 06:30= 7hIndoor · Termina: 12a 1m