Party 14 - 15 ene 12 · Indoor · Senigallia (AN), Italia / 3 Line Up: •► KONNEKTOR- From Portugal- ( First Time In Italy!! ) [ WOORPZ RECS. / CARPE DIEM RECS. / TZOLKIN RECS. / BIOMECHANIX RECS. ] Present the New EP Konnektor - Full Throttle Present the New 2°…•► VELOCERAPTUS [Overtrax Tribe] - Italy- •► KANYON ॐ - Italy - [Indipendent] •► NITROCELL ॐ [ Riot Squad ] - Italy - •► DJANE SIBULA ॐ [ Riot Squad ] - Italy…Info: Sound System 10Kw Bar -Acqua-Euro 1,00 -Birra alla spina piccola-Euro 2,50 -Birra alla spina media-Euro 3,50 -Bottiglia birra 0,33cl-Euro 3,50 -Bottiglia birra 0,66cl-Euro 4,00 -Cocktail-Euro 5,00 con…Location: Circolo Sportivo & Ricreativo Mtj Casper Strada della Marina… Termina: 12a 11m · 2.940 · Apuntado de NITROCELL Fotos0 Gente ۞ SPIRITUAL DIMENSION ۞ International Live Act ۞ Senigallia (AN) · Italia sáb, 14 ene 12, 22:00 - dom, 15 ene, 12:00= 14hIndoor · / 3 · Termina: 12a 11m