Party 9 - 10 abr 16 · Indoor · Iași, Rumania Line Up: Thal [Psy Crew - Solar.United.Natives - S.U.N] ---- Kory [Solar United Natives - S.U.N.] ---…Info: Dear family and friends! As the time for Solar Seeds in Transylvania draws near with every passing day, together we need to plant the seed of life and nurture it with our vibrations and unconditional…Location: Broadway Strada I. C. Brătianu nr. 20-22 (Cladirea Moldocons… Termina: 8a 11m · 178 · Apuntado de psykapnobatai Fotos0 Gente Solar Seed in Iasi Iași · Rumania · Mapa sáb, 9 abr 16, 22:00 - dom, 10 abr, 07:30= 9h 30minIndoor · Termina: 8a 11m