Party 23 - 24 may 14 · Indoor · Rijeka, Croacia Line Up: --))) LINE-UP (((-- --> DALTON TRANCE TELEPORT (Green Spirit, Trance Alpine, HR) Dalton Trance Teleport is an ambient, oldschool goa and progressive DJ since 1994, which is also the year in which h…Info: Dear friends, We are very proud to present to you 2 preparties for this year's Lost Theory Festival edition. As last year the parties will be in the same weekend: one party is on Friday 23.05 in Rijek…Location: Hartera: Ružićeva bb, Rijeka Termina: 10a 9m · 488 · Apuntado de ACETIC Fotos0 Gente ŠKATULA presents: LOST THEORY Pre-Party @ RIJEKA ---> NEW LOCATION Rijeka · Croacia vie, 23 may 14, 22:00 - sáb, 24 may, 05:00= 7hIndoor · Termina: 10a 9m