Party 23 - 24 abr 11 · Indoor · Shanghai, China Line Up: 11-01 Gotama (GoaProductions, BE) 01-03 Ganesha (Geomagnetic, RU) 03-06 Kodama (Magic Garden Concept, BE)Info: Magic Garden Concept and GoaProductions present Shiva Psy. Pretty self explanatory; A fully immersive journey through psychedelic trance with stalwart Belgian DJ's Kodama and Gotama + guest DJ Ganesha…Location: Shiva Lounge 47 Yongfu Lu, near Fuxing Lu Termina: 13a 10m · 1.446 · Apuntado de Gotama Fotos0 Gente Shiva Psy Shanghai · China sáb, 23 abr 11, 22:00 - dom, 24 abr, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 13a 10m