Party 11 - 12 feb 23 · Indoor · London, Reino Unido Line Up: Our very first party with some special psychedelic music and immersive visuals. Join us for a celebration of life and freedom! 🙂 Live Acts: * Lazyman (Milega Records) * Metamorphocrisis (Organik Circ…Info: Deco & Lights: * Dionysia Collection and more! Visuals: * V.U.A Live Painting: * Alice Kerveli Soundsystems & Equipment: * SOS Soundsystems Stall: * Hju:OfTju:n Other Details: Crystal clear soun… Termina: 1a 10m · 2.046 · Apuntado de yokes Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente Shakti Odori - The First Chapter London · Reino Unido · Mapa sáb, 11 feb 23, 23:00 - dom, 12 feb, 16:00= 17hIndoor · Termina: 1a 10m