Party 29 - 30 nov 08 · Indoor · Kulturfabrik Wetzikon, Suiza / 6 Line Up: Frechbax (Ajana) Kularis (Spintwist) Midimal (Spintwist) Oxymaron (ZG)Dinutec (ZH) Mullekular(Spintwist) Marcosis & Adda (OLG) Shybe & Insane Creation (Blue Tunes, Domo) Overfloh (SAMSARA) Sancho&PanchoInfo: Chaishop by SAMSARA, free breakfast by SAMSARA Don't forget that we support our girl in India with the monney from the come let's create good energy together and in the mean time you'…Location: Kulturfabrik Wetzikon, Zürcherstrasse 42 Termina: 16a 3m · 4.446 · Apuntado de sunmaya Fotos0 Gente ***=SAMSARA=**** iistämpfäle Kulturfabrik Wetzikon · Suiza sáb, 29 nov 08, 22:00 - dom, 30 nov, 15:30= 17h 30minIndoor · / 6 · Termina: 16a 3m