Party 17 - 18 nov 12 · Indoor · Athens, Grecia Line Up: Zicore Orestis Zic Dark ElfLooneyInfo: P.U.R.E. Productions Psychedelic United Revolutionary Entities From the organizing team of something Pure was born… Always Psychedelic, United and with Revolutionary Vibes!!! It is our…Location: X-Battery Club Kiffisou 100 Athens Next to the KTEL Bus Stat… Termina: 12a 3m · 1.486 · Apuntado de JunioR Fotos0 Gente Revolutionary Vibes Athens · Grecia sáb, 17 nov 12, 23:30 - dom, 18 nov, 08:00= 8h 30minIndoor · Termina: 12a 3m