Party 5 - 6 nov 11 · Indoor · horitschon, Austria / 1 Line Up: Nena Neno (Organic sounds)(PsyTrance Floor) in this order Arctara ( NoComment - A ) NoziroH ( CosmixedSociety - H ) Tkalii ( Digital Yonkis Rec. / HDA - CHILE ) Minatrix ( Zero Gravity - A ) Liquidroom ( Ananda Tribe Rec - D )…Info: 3 floors - PsyTrance / Minimal / Ethno, Afrodub, Funk & Jazz groves / Live Concert Birthday bash and good vibes party Hosted by Cosmixed SocietyLocation: Lazarus- Anreise aus Wien und Umgebung (Wien LAZARUS = ca. 6… Termina: 13a 1m · 3.351 · Apuntado de Kayzer sozze Fotos0 Gente Remember Remember the 5th of November-Mixed Floors Party horitschon · Austria sáb, 5 nov 11, 21:00 - dom, 6 nov, 07:00= 10hIndoor · / 1 · Termina: 13a 1m