Party 30 abr - 1 may 10 · Indoor · Edinburgh, Reino Unido Line Up: BRAD GAMMA (Random / UK)FLOW (Planet monkey / Portugal) DISCOoRDINATION (Planet monkey / UK) DHARMA (Mezcal / UK)Info: The 2nd of 3 special monthly nights to collect money for Cofan's colombian indigenous refugees:the 100% of the benefits will go directly to them, who lost their land and natural way of life in a fight…Location: The Wee Red Bar, The Art College Lauriston place / Lady Laws… Termina: 14a 10m · 1.342 · Apuntado de Dark el kante Fotos0 Gente Random charity night Edinburgh · Reino Unido vie, 30 abr 10, 23:00 - sáb, 1 may, 03:00= 4hIndoor · Termina: 14a 10m