Party 1 - 2 sept 12 · Open Air · meeting point roman villa mdina/rabat , Malta Line Up: Interconnekted - Bmss RecordsKikx - Purple Hexagon Records Twisted Nature vs Acid Tester - Purple Hexagon Records Rod Minus - Island of PsyInfo: Kiks the man behind Purple Hexagon Records a divine underground label Interconnekted live will add spices and melodies to the event Twisted Nature Acid Tester also from Purple Hexagon will be the cher…Location: midnight and 01.30 am come at roman villa in rabat/mdina ope… Termina: 12a 6m · 1.514 · Apuntado de natraj- dancing shiva Fotos0 Gente Purple Hexagon Record Label Party In Malta meeting point roman villa m… · Malta sáb, 1 sept 12, 22:30 - dom, 2 sept, 08:00= 9h 30minOpen Air · Termina: 12a 6m