Party 10 - 11 may 14 · Indoor · Blanes, España Line Up: Live: Khaoscope (Zero Gravity rec) Dj: Obit (Red Dust / Flying Spores) Translucid (Red Dust / Zero Gravity) Anoneky (Psycodelikland) Psygroo (Own Spirit) Freespirit ((AmiBola Records))Info: -A 5min de la estacion y a 10 de la playa / 5 minutes from the station and 10 from the beachLocation: Sala Morralla avinguda de l'estació 70, 17300 Blanes Termina: 10a 10m · 533 · Apuntado de obit Fotos0 Gente Psytrance goes to Blanes!!! Blanes · España sáb, 10 may 14, 23:00 - dom, 11 may, 06:30= 7h 30minIndoor · Termina: 10a 10m