Party 25 - 26 jul 09 · Open Air · Gent, Bélgica Line Up: T.B.Cfriends of katarsis .....Gnome .....Oli .....psycat and more friends T.B.CInfo: This the day out of time in Gent, because it is time to prepare us for the next time. we can do it on the dance floor... and we can dance in a nice secret place not far / no neighbours .. welkome t…Location: Secret Veniew in Gent .. contact us Termina: 15a 7m · 1.418 · Apuntado de katarsis / ibiza Fotos0 Gente Psytrance experiment / out of time free party Gent · Bélgica sáb, 25 jul 09, 23:30 - dom, 26 jul, 06:00= 6h 30minOpen Air · Termina: 15a 7m