Party 13 - 14 jun 09 · Open Air · Csigahegy - Berkenye/Nötincs, Hungría Line Up: CHAKRA LIVE & Dj set - ACE VENTURA live! - IBOGA Rec - Izrael Quantum live! - Israel - Dark Side 100% live! (no pc) (Winie-One Rec.) - Kugler (Winie-One Rec.) - MindBlast live! (Winie-One Rec.) -…Kugler (Winie-One Rec.) - Dolphin (FutureFolk) - Gammer (Winie-One Rec.) - Jirzij (psybaba) -Info: Chakra: Chakra is Rami Shapira. Few people can claim to be at the panicle of their career for such as sustained period. Rami started working with alternative electronic music at the age of 13! He soon…Location: Csigahegy - Between Berkenye and Nötincs Seach in the google… Termina: 15a 7m · 3.013 · Apuntado de dolpsyn Fotos0 Gente PsyFreq Open Air - CHAKRA/ACE VENTURA/QUANTUM Csigahegy - Berkenye/Nötinc… · Hungría sáb, 13 jun 09, 22:00 - dom, 14 jun, 22:00= 1dOpen Air · Termina: 15a 7m