Party 29 - 30 ene 16 · Indoor · Leeuwarden, Países Bajos Line Up: Kayrunchy [ 3rd BIT ] Audio Terrorist [ 3rd BIT ] Anand [ 3rd BIT ] Nilezz [ 3rd BIT ] Paul B [ 3rd BIT / Forest Freaks ]Info: Psy-Trance in Neushoorn! Leeuwarden based organization 3rd BIT Events comes to blast the Arena with a new concept. 3rd BIT Events has been organizing Psy-Trance events since 2002 and is known by many…Location: Neushoorn, Ruiterskwartier 41 Termina: 9a 1m · 549 · Apuntado de DJ Paul B Fotos0 Gente PsyFreaks Leeuwarden · Países Bajos · Mapa vie, 29 ene 16, 22:00 - sáb, 30 ene, 04:30= 6h 30minIndoor · Termina: 9a 1m