Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 14 - 15 abr 12 · Indoor · Beijing, China Line Up: Psytrance Pete (GoaProductions/Tip Records UK) Microgram (GoaProductions IL) Gotama (GoaProductions BE) Meng (GoaProductions CN)Info: “Psyfidelity" is back!! After the last spectacular event GoaProductions is all set to bring you the finest visuals, décor, and psychedelic sounds from around the world to delight your eardrums an…Location: Mako - Inside Hongdian Art Factory, Courtyard 36 (500m south… Termina: 12a 10m · 866 · Apuntado de GoaProductions Fotos0 Gente Psyfidelity 幻境 Beijing · China sáb, 14 abr 12, 22:00 - dom, 15 abr, 12:00= 14hIndoor · Termina: 12a 10m