Party 6 - 7 sept 13 · Indoor · Linz, Austria Line Up: ★ FÜNGUS [ Optix tribe ] ★ HUXLEY [ Independent ] ★ SUBSPIRIT [ Psicorps ]Info: "Circle of Life" refers to the fact that death is not really the end but the seed of some other life." In diesem Sinne feiern wir am Freitag den 6. September ein kleines feines Fest im…Location: Club Circle (ehemaliges Meinfassel) Kirchengasse 6 4020 Linz Termina: 11a 6m · 978 · Apuntado de PsycoholiX Fotos0 Gente PsycoholiX presents: Circle of Life Linz · Austria vie, 6 sept 13, 22:00 - sáb, 7 sept, 04:00= 6hIndoor · Termina: 11a 6m