Party 20 - 21 ene 23 · Club · Innsbruck, Austria Line Up: FOREST / DARK / EXPERIMENTAL HI TECH Kick Off: 22:00 - ENTRY: 15.- ╭━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━╮ ╰━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━╯ "Unleash the power of the mind and journey into the realm of psychedelic tra…Location: Queens Club, Amraserstraße 6, 6020 Innsbruck Termina: 1a 11m · 297 · Apuntado de Psybox (Psybox Jungle Visions) Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente PSYBOX pres. The Ritual (Shamanic Drums) with Necropsycho / Alpscore *live Innsbruck · Austria · Mapa vie, 20 ene 23, 22:00 - sáb, 21 ene, 04:00= 6hClub · Termina: 1a 11m