Party 12 - 13 ene 08 · Indoor · Athens, Grecia Line Up: Emov project/grMain stage: Julien: Digital talk/Mindcore(Yabai records) Fr Sotokkan: Direct Connection(Candyflip) Gr Boing.V.Boing: (Scientific Sequence.Dk) Gr Dj Crystal Zero vs Dj Vertigo: (Void Network) Gr Tigran…Info: Psychedelic UV Hypnotic Atmosphere and Installations made by Nikoxil Full Power Crystal Clear Soundsystem by Eurolinea up to 136 db's Visual projection Two bar spots and a chai shopLocation: Politexnioypoli Area, Zografou Termina: 17a 1m · 1.517 · Apuntado de Psyacoustics Fotos0 Gente PSYACOUSTICS proudly presents JULIEN [DIGITAL TALK/MINDCORE] Athens · Grecia sáb, 12 ene 08, 22:30 - dom, 13 ene, 09:00= 10h 30minIndoor · Termina: 17a 1m