Party 31 ene - 1 feb 09 · Club · KLEIN HELLE *Klangfabrik*, Alemania / 4 Line Up: PSYBER PIXEL dmt-crew DUAL EFFECT mystic vision SCHATZHAUSER multiplex rec. PSYTRONIC multiplex rec.DJane KIBA mooonsun rec. DR. OGUH pi-production / mystic vision ABRALABIM discovalley rec. / amnesie theater WEDANTA & PSY TRIXX nutek rec. M.I.C.H.A. multiplex rec. MANY MENTAL nbgInfo: Birthday Party with 2 Floors and Chillout Mainstage with a 18KW JBL Sound System...;) Chai & Spacebar Fruits for Free ---TIMETABLE--- 22:00 - 00:00 Wedanta 00:00 - 02:00 Djane KIBA 02:0…Location: ***Klangfabrik*** Klein Helle 17091 So kommst du hin: A20 Ri… Termina: 16a 1m · 4.148 · Apuntado de spider Fotos0 Gente ******PSY MOVE****** KLEIN HELLE *Klangfabrik* · Alemania sáb, 31 ene 09, 22:00 - dom, 1 feb, 16:00= 18hClub · / 4 · Termina: 16a 1m