Party 16 - 17 jun 07 · Open Air · Same place as last years., Suiza / 2 Line Up: Karash vs Noon aka Cerebral Factory (kabrathor / mantra tribe system ) FRAMilosz vs Karol (Underground Sound Promotions) POL / CH Padma vs Amazon (mantra tribe system / peak) FRA / CH Zapata vs Elendil (kabrathor) CH Khidi vs Ghyom (mantra tribe system) FRAInfo: Cancelled if raining ;o( Mayer soundsystem by LUMEN8 Chaï by the Fairies -- > really thxLocation: More magics coming soon ! Stay award of this special crazy e… Termina: 17a 8m · 4.884 · Apuntado de padma Fotos0 Gente PSY FAIRIES NIGHT IV Same place as last years. · Suiza sáb, 16 jun 07, 21:00 - dom, 17 jun, 14:00= 17hOpen Air · / 2 · Termina: 17a 8m