¡Uy! Ha accedido a una página a la que sólo pueden acceder los miembros.Aquí está la Inicio de sesión de los miembros Party 26 - 27 oct 12 · Open Air · North of Israel, Israel Line Up: Man With No Name (Martin Freeland) - Live Retro Set - Uk Perfecto / Dragonfly Records. Prana (Tsuyoshi Suzuki) - Retro Set - Japan Matsuri Production 18 Years Celebration. Elysium (Kristian Thinning A…Info: All over the world people are dancing and moving differently. This time we are going to learn and feel how the Shaman's dancing and connect the internal rhythms Inherent the body when the aim is to fr…Location: North of Israeli Forest - Secret Underground Location Termina: 12a 4m · 2.338 · Apuntado de Microdelic Fotos0 Gente Psilosiva Productions: Dance of the Shamans North of Israel · Israel vie, 26 oct 12, 23:30 - sáb, 27 oct, 17:00= 17h 30minOpen Air · Termina: 12a 4m