Party 3 - 4 nov 07 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Países Bajos Line Up: Sienis (Gi'iwa Productions / Sweden) SideWayZ (Trance Orient Express / Denmark) .Fluffy (3rd BIT / Psy-Research / Germany) Cirque Liquide (E:volved / NL) Dogo (Centipede / NL) .Info: Centipede Productions most spirally invites you for the first Saturdaynight edition of 'Prog as a Frog' A twosome globetrotting live acts accompanied by a triplet of DJs will display a broad array of…Location: Wilhelmina Pakhuis Veemkade 576 Amsterdam The Neverlands for… Termina: 17a 4m · 1.847 · Apuntado de Satyr Fotos0 Gente .: Prog as a Frog presents "Saturday Frog Fever" :. Amsterdam · Países Bajos sáb, 3 nov 07, 22:00 - dom, 4 nov, 05:00= 7hIndoor · Termina: 17a 4m