Party 25 - 26 oct 08 · Club · Olten, Suiza / 3 Line Up: Baphomet Engine (Brazil) Malice in Wonderland (Austria) Palindrom (Austria) xaBBu (Germany) Electrypnose (CH) Karash (CH) Aslak (CH) Ahyasix (CH) WoW (CH)Gargamel (Austria) Gary Normal (South Africa) Trailoka (United Arab Emirates) Yidam (India) Twitterpatev (USA) Jaadoo (UK) Torog (CH) Psy'N'ethik (CH) Aragorn (CH)Info: The Primitif-Workshop is an association created to organize gatherings around the electronic music production. Each year since 2005, artists from Switzerland and now from anywhere join during 2 weeks…Location: Vario Club Industriestrasse 36 Olten Termina: 16a 3m · 3.399 · Apuntado de le_barde Fotos0 Gente Primitif-Workshop Party - 4th edition Olten · Suiza sáb, 25 oct 08, 22:00 - dom, 26 oct, 12:00= 15hClub · / 3 · Termina: 16a 3m