Party 9 - 10 dic 11 · Indoor · Sheffield, Reino Unido Line Up: PLASTIC VIBEKRISTIAN (Transient/Millenium) TOM GOOSE (FroZac) DILL (Planet Zogg/Karma) GREG ZOGG (Planet Zogg/Ripsnorter)Info: ***The Dark Side of the PLANET ZOGG *** We're pulling out all the stops for the last Zogg of 2011! All the way from Sardinia, via London town, we've got PLASTIC VIBE live & direct. Quirky chunky psy…Location: Plug (Neutral). Matilda St, Sheffield S1 4QD Termina: 13a 3m · 823 · Apuntado de John Fotos0 Gente PLANET ZOGG Sheffield · Reino Unido vie, 9 dic 11, 23:00 - sáb, 10 dic, 06:00= 7hIndoor · Termina: 13a 3m