Party 16 - 17 nov 18 · Indoor · Aachen, Alemania Line Up: •Mainfloor• Psychedelic: ---Live: ֎ ULVAE ֍ Parvati Records / Portugal ֎ FILT ֎ Uroboros Rec. - Mighty Vibrations - Parasomnia Rec. / Denmark ֎ HASHIN ֎ World People Prod - Green Tree Rec.…Info: Some info & rules : When you are coming by car, please look early for a parkingspot. Don´t park in the Rehmannstrasse ! Best you come by puplic transportation or by bike :) Please take the way throug…Location: Musikbunker Aachen Termina: 6a 3m · 1.600 · Apuntado de ₪ADIM₪™ Reportes0 Fotos0 Meeting0 Gente PER ANHALTER INS ALL ... ULVAE Live Aachen · Alemania · Mapa vie, 16 nov 18, 23:00 - sáb, 17 nov, 14:00= 15hIndoor · Termina: 6a 3m