Party 21 - 22 may 11 · Indoor · nähe Stuttgart, Alemania / 5 Line Up: - Audiomatic (Spin Twist rec.) live set - Pusherstreet (Panzar Rec.) live set - InYourPhaze (Panzar Rec.) live set - Patara (Panzar Rec.) live set- Audiomatic (Spin Twist rec.) DJ set - Chaidive (Weltensegler) - PateCatl aka. The Healer (fraggles) birthday setInfo: Für jeden zahlenden Gast werden wir 75 cent an das Kinderhospiz Löwenherz e.V. spenden! Music Supports Children!! TIMETABLE: 22:00 - 01:00 -> Chaidive DJ Set 01.00 - 02.00 -> Audiomatic live 02:…Location: Rockhaus, 9pm life club in Remseck-Aldingen. autofahrer befr… Termina: 13a 9m · 8.208 · Apuntado de PateCatl Fotos0 Gente Patecatl's Birthday!Audiomatic, Pusherstreet and InYourPhaze nähe Stuttgart · Alemania sáb, 21 may 11, 22:00 - dom, 22 may, 12:00= 14hIndoor · / 5 · Termina: 13a 9m