Party 24 - 25 mar 07 · Club · Berlin - Prenzlauerberg, Alemania / 4 Line Up: Mekkanikka (Nutek Records/Spain) Khopat (Spectral Records/Portugal) Digital eFX (Pangaeon Prod./Berlin)Buzz T (Neurobiotic Records/Germany) Jibaro (Phantasm Records/Netherlands) Happytroll (Pangaeon/Berlin) Moarice (Pangaeon/Berlin)Info: Chai: Der kleine Hexenkessel Spacebar: Tribaltools Cocktails: Laborbar LIVE Internetradioshow by Chromanova - This event is in coorperation with the European Clubnight: one night, one ticket for 12 €…Location: Kesselhaus & Maschinenhaus - Kulturbrauerei Knaackstr.97, 10… Termina: 17a 11m · 2.611 · Apuntado de PangaeonACE Fotos0 Gente Pangeas Birthday Lounge - 7 years of Pangaeon events Berlin - Prenzlauerberg · Alemania sáb, 24 mar 07, 23:00 - dom, 25 mar, 12:00= 12hClub · / 4 · Termina: 17a 11m