Party 19 - 20 nov 11 · Indoor · Tempe, AZ, Estados Unidos Info: Who or What is Aura, you ask? Aura is a unique multicultural fusion of art, music, dance, and community. A celebration of life through the various facets of human expression. Traditional middle-easter…Location: 524 W Broadway Tempe, AZ (behind El Buen Sabor) Termina: 13a 1m · 547 · Apuntado de LaSeDiMoTu Fotos0 Gente Overmindworks: Aura 5 Year Anniversary Tempe, AZ · Estados Unidos sáb, 19 nov 11, 22:00 - dom, 20 nov, 04:00= 6hIndoor · Termina: 13a 1m